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Ecoskipper is a Word Trademark filed on 06 January 2017 in Gujarat through the Ahmedabad IP Office. The Trademark is registered to Infinium Solutions Private Limited and was filed by Universal Legal
Application ID: 3451237
Status: Registered
Date of Application: 06 January 2017
Class(es): 42
Type: Word
Registration State: Gujarat
Country: India
Details: Technical and Technological Services and Research and Design Related to it, Industrial Study and Research Services, Design and Development of Computer Ironware and Software.
Vehicle Tracking System of EcoSkipper
A vehicle tracking system, eco skipper, is one of the most critical systems, which integrates GPS-based tracking in the waste collecting vehicles of the collection process in the solid waste management process. The cars are installed with a GPS device, which provides real-time data of the vehicles at different levels in the Urban Local Bodies (ULB). Before the vehicle-tracking system, waste collection vehicles were tracked with the help of random checks by the sanitary sub-inspectors and the ward supervisors to determine whether the point of interest (POI) was serve or not.
A vehicle tracking system with a GPS/RFID-based monitoring system called Eco Skipper start in July 2014. Infinium Solution Pvt. Ltd developed the software, and AMC is the owner of the same. 1027 GPS devices are installed in all the vehicles use. Namely, chhotahaathi, bin lifters, and refuse compactors. There is a five-year contract for operations and maintenance of the system given to the developers of Infinium Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The total cost of the software and care for five years is approximately Rs 4.8 crores. GPS devices are installed in moving vehicles to track the location of waste-collecting vehicles.
It is a small device, each with one SIM in it. Vehicles also have RFID tags for tracking. RFID readers are installed in each ward office, and Refuse transfer stations for reading these tags. The Eco-skipper monitoring software allows access for AMC officials at the ward level zonal level. Access has also given to the contractors and the Infinium team. The software covers the services of D2D waste collection, Waste collection from Community bins and Silver bins, and Transportation of waste from the Refuse Transfer Station to the Dumpsite. Some of the vital salient features of the software (Eco-Skipper) are Zonal and ward-level statistics, Live vehicle tracking, current vehicle status, details of POI and vehicle information, various reports like POI served/unserved reports, Bin pickup reports, summary reports, etc.
Analysis Of Vehicle Tracking System for Ecoskipper
1. Impact of Vehicle Tracking System (VTS)
The vehicle tracking system significantly impacts the waste collection coverage in the city and the complaints register regarding waste collection. Figure 6 clearly shows the increase in waste collection in 2014, before and after July. Simultaneously, there is also a decrease in the complaints receive in the Customer Complaint Redressal System (CCRS) for door-to-door collection, as seen in Figure 6. Vehicle tracking system.
increased the total waste collect and decrease the complaints within six months of installation.
2. Major Findings
As of January 2018, data analyze to find the number of un-served bins in the Narangpura ward of the central zone of Ahmedabad city. As of January 2018, data of each POI in all the twenty
neighborhood routes analyze. As a result, 21% of the POIs unnerve in the ward. Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol 12, No 1, February 2022. There are some issues in the vehicle tracking system due to improper GPS device functioning and the wrong vehicle location. There is also difficulty in tracking the car as the boundary of the POI is imaginary. Server connecting issues also occur occasionally.
3. Framework
Understanding the usage of a technology implementation like a Vehicle tracking system requires a framework based on which it can evaluate. The framework involved identifying twenty-two parameters based on the observations, analysis, and the parameters in the Swachh Survekshan. Once the parameters determine, the Vehicle Tracking System evaluate by giving 5 points if that parameter is present and zero points if the parameter was lacking.
Ecoskipper – After a study of the primary municipal solid waste management system, data collection, analysis, and interactions with the city officials of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), the study clearly shows that the vehicle tracking system (VTS) has an impact on the waste collection coverage in the city as well as on the complaints registered regarding the waste collection. An analysis of ward-level data of January 2018 of the Narangpura ward indicates that 21% of unserved POIs and only 79% of the POIs serve. However, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation is aiming for 100% waste collection.
The framework to analyze the VTS implementation shows that the Ecoskipper software used in Ahmedabad scores 72%. Parameters like access to citizens, payment deduction for unserved POIs, amount of waste collect, etc., are features that can incorporates in updated software versions. The framework can also user to understand the implementation of VTS in other cities.
FAQS for Ecoskipper
What is the date on which the trademark application file with TMO?
Ecoskipper apply on 06 January 2017.
Who is the trademark proprietor?
Infinium Solutions Private Limited file a trademark application.
Trademark application is file below which trademark class?
A trademark application has file under the following classes. 42
Trademark application is at what stage of the trademark process?
As per IP India, the trademark application is in the following stage:
What is the Listed Submission ID of the Trademark?
The listed application ID of Ecoskipper is 3451237.
Who filed the trademark on behalf of the owner?
The trademark attorney of the Ecoskipper is Universal Legal.
Is the Trademark word, color, or expedient mark?
Ecoskipper is a WORD as per IP India data.